minister - Rev. Jane Wild - Tel: 01772 715134 or email |
Youth, Children and Family Worker - Darren Arnold - Tel: 07811 775825 or email |
CIRCUIT PASTORAL WORKER Denise Johnson - Tel: 07719 200451 or email |
ADMINISTRATOR For general enquiries, contact the church Administrator - email or telephone 01772 718741 Tues, Wed. or Thur. 10.00am till 12.30pm or leave a message
NOTICES - Please submit items for the notices to Beryl Hoyle and Sue Whiteford
MAGAZINE - Please submit any articles or requests for advertisements in the magazine to Roy Smith on 01772 716772 or email
WEBSITE For any aspects about the website - email
ROOM BOOKINGS For any information, please email Sharon Beck or phone 01772 718741